To prepare for the Change Please have your Multifactor Authentication in place prior to that to avoid any disruption of Access.

Here is what you can expect: When you First log in using the FortiClient you should notice a Change on the log in. If you do not, please reboot the PC and allow it to update with the changes.



After Clicking the SAML Login for the First time you will need to Authenticate to Azure you can use either of the Email accounts or to authenticate.



3. (For those that are in the Cool kid group and have an Authenication App)



If you see this, then you have timed out and need to Try again. Your Authentication is based on what you have set up in azure account. (Phone, Authentication App, Act.)

If you see this when authenticating, then call IT for a credential purge and reboot.

Your Friendly IT Team will run an elevated script that will clear the windows Creds and reset your PC for Access.